Sunday, March 8, 2009


说实在,我真的有点紧张. 这一辈子第一次抛头露面.
有点担心当天人潮不多,生意不好; 担心天气太热,更担心滂沱大雨.

当天的生意量固然重要,因为付了租金,投资了点钱买档口所需要的东西. 当然,更重要的目的是要让更多没有上网经验的人认识爱购物. 所谓的蓝海,不知会有多少蓝海的鱼儿因此而爱上网上购物呢?

Quoted :

Our very first offline showcase will be available at The Curve, Mutiara Damansara on this coming Monday, 9th March 2009!! One Day Only !!

It's a long weekend.. If you are getting bored staying at home, come and visit us. To see and touch our products physically. Of course, you may purchase the items from there as well.. Purchase over RM50, and Redeem an aishop Voucher worth RM10! It's only available at The Curve Street Market.

If you are still in doubt with the quality of our products, dont miss the chance to meet us there~ Once you try it, you will love it...

However not all items will be available at The Curve. We have limited space over there. We will concentrate in promoting our household products.. We assure you, you wont be disappointed by the quality!

See ya there at The Curve Street Market, Mutiara Damansara